Sunday, February 17, 2008

<1984> The Current Situations

Are there any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate?

I believe there are many nations in our real world that are like the world of 1984. In 1984, the government gained too much power that it controls everything such as people, history, rules, etc. North Korea has the similar government. North Korea government brainwashes its citizens from the elementry school. With their own text books full of falsity, the government orders its teachers to teach the students. People are brainwashed so much from their childhood that they think they are living a wonderful life in the best country. And they praise Kim Jung-Ill. People who oppose to the government's orders are put to death, sometimes secretly. When the government catches citizens' any secret movements, it kills them all indiscriminately.
When I went to China, I visited a North Korean restaurant where real Korean ladies work. My family's tour guide told us that the North Korean ladies are selected by the government (has to be very talented in every ways) and were sent to China to work. Our guide told us that the North Korean ladies had very strong pride in their country and Kim Jung Ill from the brainwashing. I thought the North Korean ladies were very poor. They were very young (some were even 1 or 2 years older than me) but they had very little freedoms to do what they wanted. With their amazing talents, all they could do was to work in a restaurant.
I don't think there is a way to get the situation in North Korea better unless their government is brought down, which is impossible for now. If people try to revolt, there would be great number of fatalities. I hope South Korea can have closer relationship with North Korea so that South Korea can help resolve the current situations of North Korea.
top picture: fishing can be done only under the supervision(ship on watch in the back)
second picture: a village in North Korea
third pictue: North Korean childerns carrying firewood


Josep Folta said...

Wow. Your post is so full of emotion and facts. You even talk about your own experiences. Your post was very fun to read.
Maybe one thing you could have done better is tallk more about how North Korea's situation relates to 1984's dystopian world...
Again, your post was nicely written.

Hannah Jang said...

I really agreed with you on how North Korean situations are similar to the situation in the novel. Your post had so much detail and you even added your real life experiences. Your post was really engaging. GREAT JOB!