Thursday, April 3, 2008


what is the climax of this novel? what happens? how do the events of this novel make you feel?

I think the climax of this novel is when the kids are found by an naval officer. After Simon's death, Piggy's death followed. All the kids started to get wild and cruel. Then, Jack ordered the kids or his soldiers to chase Ralph and catch him. Jack's soldiers burned the whole forest to search Ralph. The tension extremely increased. However, when the kids met the naval officer on the beach, all the tensions were suddenly released and a huge twist occured. The powerful savagery suddenly fell, and then the novel ended quickly with brief resolution. The events of this novel make me depressed and sad because of the fact that we have so little control over ourselves.


David Kim said...

I do not agree with this. This part of the novel falls into the resolution part. I think the climax is the part when the pig head talks to Simon and tells him that the kids are also part of the Beast, and the Beast is actually the savagery nature of human being. That is also the part where Jack and his followers(savagers) start killing Ralph and his followers(civilizers).

Sunhoo said...

I think it can be a climax, but I said that the climax part was when the killing was started. But I think that your climax is a climax, too.

Andrew Nam said...

I have to disagree with this one because I think the climax isn't the seeing the naval officer part. I thought it would be the part where Simon dies. Because after that part, Piggy dies as well and Ralph's group suddenly collapses. In addition, the naval officer is too close to the end to be a climax. But I still think your explanation is reasonalbe. I can understand why you thought that was the climax.

Ariel Cho said...

Different perspective! But I disagree with you. The climax should be the place where the character change, and it occurred before the boys met the naval officer. I think the climax was when Simon tells the boy that the beast they misjudged was actually a parachutist, and getting killed.
Nice thinking, though :)